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HG I-Tech le professioni del metaverso

Business in the Metaverse: why does it pay off?


The Metaverse comes with some challenges, including technical complexity, cost, and the need to convince users to adopt it; however, it represents a new frontier for business by offering a number of benefits that could significantly impact the way companies operate on a day-to-day basis and more than compensate for any challenges along the way.

Entering the Metaverse today means moving with a significant competitive advantage over all others, mastering a technology that will soon be considered commonplace and indispensable in many industries.

Creator of virtual worlds 

The Creator of Virtual Worlds is a rapidly expanding profession that responds to the need to provide Metaverse users with new spaces to experience and personalise. Creators of virtual spaces, known as Metaverse Architects, are those responsible for designing and creating virtual environments that people can explore and interact in. This profession requires knowledge in several areas, including graphic design, programming, knowledge of virtual reality technologies and modern 3D scanning technologies (in case one wants to 'virtualise' an existing environment in the real world).

Creators of virtual worlds can work for gaming companies, governmental organisations and private companies. They are a key figure within a technical team that decides to work in the Metaverse, thanks to whose skills it is possible to transform ideas, sketches and designs into perfectly liveable and usable virtual environments.

Avatar designer

An avatar is a virtual representation of a person in the Metaverse. The Avatar Designer is responsible for creating customised avatars for clients as well as designs for accessories, clothing and any other elements that contribute to the personalisation of one's virtual representation within the Metaverse. This profession requires skills in graphic design, 3D modelling, a good mastery of virtual reality technologies and dynamics. Avatar designers must also have a broad knowledge of the main trends of the moment, both in fashion and in everything related to pop culture, so as to understand and quickly ride each trend.

Metaverse IT Manager

The Metaverse

IT Manager is the Metaverse's IT engineer, i.e. the figure responsible for designing and developing the network systems that enable people to interact in the Metaverse. This profession requires skills in several areas, including programming, computer security, knowledge of cloud computing and virtual reality technologies. The Metaverse's software engineers work alongside the creative team, solving and preventing all the major issues related to the implementation and management of the technical infrastructure required for the operation of the various projects and the security of data and information.

Blockchain expert

Blockchain technology is playing an increasingly central role in Web 3, especially with regard to the management of payments, the ownership of virtual goods and spaces and the certified tracking of processes and operations. The Blockchain expert must master the fundamental concepts of Blockchain, DEFI, Cryptocurrency, NFT and work closely with the IT Manager and Metaverse Architects. Today mainly working in the private, financial and technology development sector, these professionals will also become key elements in public administrations and specialised service companies in the coming years.

Metaverse digital strategist

The Metaverse strategy consultant is responsible for advising companies on how to use technology to achieve their business goals. This profession is the direct evolution of the more classic digital strategist: it requires in-depth knowledge of the Metaverse and its business applications, as well as robust skills in business strategy and marketing. The Metaverse digital strategist supports companies and clients in all stages of project development: from defining objectives to the choice of environments, and defining all strategies for launching the project, whether in Web 2.0 or 3.0.

What to study to work in the Metaverse?

As it is an experimental and constantly evolving sector, the training offer is still very limited. In most cases, 'introductory' courses are offered, where the more abstract and conceptual aspects are explained, as well as courses related to marketing and the 'communication' part of the Metaverse. 

Technical-practical courses, with professionalising purposes, are very few to date. We at HG I-Tech have realised, in collaboration with Olimaint, the first MSF (Metaverse Standard Forum) certified master: a practical course, usable both in presence and in Web 3, created with the aim of teaching and showing concretely how to create virtual environments and become Metaverse professionals.

If this topic interests you, we suggest you visit the course programme and find out when the next training course suitable for your needs will start.


HG I-Tech
Via Alessandro Bicchierai
51016 Montecatini Terme (PT
P. Iva: 02060080476

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